Do an internet search for credit repair and Its hard to avoid all the ads for credit repair companies like Lexington credit repair. They all promise great results and if you need your scores improved you may have thought about trying a service like this. But do you really need the services of a paid company or can do it yourself credit repair work just as well?
What you must first realize is that what companies like Lexington credit repair and the others are doing for you you can do yourself, in fact according to Federal law they must tell you this.
Secondly there is no magic way for negative items to disappear from your credit report, you can dispute there accuracy that's it. And if you or the credit companies dispute the negatives and the companies that hold the accounts can prove they are accurate there is not much you can do.
Thirdly you are paying for the convenience of having someone else do the work for you. This is the same as paying someone to clean your house, they will do the same things you could do but they are putting forth the effort not you. You are just enjoying the benefits their work produced.
While there is nothing wrong with using one of these companies you can actually save money by doing do it yourself credit repair. Not only will you get the satisfaction of knowing that your credit report is being worked on with 100% effort and focus you will also gain valuable knowledge in the process.
There are many do it yourself credit repair kits on the market that can give you everything you need to succeed at do it yourself credit repair and avoid paying the high fees to places like Lexington credit repair. In fact most of these kits cost less then one months fees that a paid service charges.
But if you feel that do it yourself credit repair may be to much of a hassle or you just do not have the time to do it you may then want to look at a paid service like Lexington credit repair to help you get your scores and report cleaned up.